Thursday, April 22, 2004

What does one say at the beginning of their blog? Hello? I Hello to anyone who for some reason is reading this. I am a stay at home Mom of three beautiful children. Funny how everyone says their children are beautiful. You never hear the line..."I am a Mother of three average looking kids"... Anyways, I will probably be talking a lot about them, what cute or annoying thing they did today,etc... So for those of you who have no kids it will probably bug the hell of you, although I swear I'm not so bad as Kathie Lee.

Well, did anyone see Survivor All Stars tonight? I suppose a better question is who didn't see Survivor tonight. I gotta say that Alicia getting kicked off didn't really upset me. I loved the fact that Shi-Ann won! I only wish that they had been smart enough to vote off Boston Rob. Man I hope he doesn't win!! And I was so relieved that they kept Rupert. The previews makes it look like Jenna is in trouble. Finally!! I so can't wait until she is gone. Friends was funny. Janice always makes me laugh. I know I am going to cry when it is over.

We went to the Bank again today. To catch you up to speed, we are living in a trailer or mobile home right now and have been for the last four years. It's pretty nice. We have tried to do what we could to it, laminate floor, etc.... But it's not a house, you know? The idea of gyprock, siding, shingles....excites me to no end. And a basement?!! Oh heaven!! But alas, the waiting continues.

Tonight I decided to open an online store. Hopefully it won't take too long to set up. Will post the address as soon as it becomes available.


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