Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Two Years

This morning at break time, Jason called me from his cell phone. While working, he had passed by the calendar and saw "July 22" in bold, large print. When I answered the phone, Jason asked "Do you know today is?". I glanced over at the calendar on my fridge and said "Um...July 22?". I was trying to think of who's birthday it might be today. I really had no idea. Then Jason says, "Two years ago today....?". I gasped. I could not believe that I had forgotten. How was that even possible?

Two years ago today, Jules got diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. I'm not going to rehash what happened that day. I've written about it in detail before. It's a day that I will never forget.

Last year, I felt such a need to make it to this date. One year. I felt a need to go and do everything we had done the summer before. To revisit everything...only with diabetes. I had to prove to the world?..the girls?..myself? that this diagnosis was not going to control our lives. That we were not beaten.

Fast forward to now. I can't say I never gave it any thought at all. Returning to PEI, and then to Fundy, I couldn't help but think how drastic our lives had changed since the last time we were there. How could I not? But it was so nice to be there again. We had such a great time. I definitely did not waste too much of time thinking about it. It was more of a passing thought that would drift into my mind only to drift right back out again.

Forgetting todays anniversary, is very significant I think. Wait, perhaps "forget" is the wrong word. As I've said, I could never "forget" that day. It is one of the few days in my life that I will always remember in great detail. But had Jason not phoned just now...Had he, himself, not looked at the calendar when he did....Today would have come and gone without us giving it a second thought. Maybe a week from now we would have remembered, only to realize it had already passed by.

What is so significant about this date slipping our minds, is exactly that - it slipped our minds. We were not focused on it. We've been enjoying Summer, living our lives, and the approach of this date did not have a monopoly on it. In other words,...progress!


Thursday, July 17, 2008

Who Are You

Just killing time until I can check the girls. Watching VH1 Salutes The Who on television. When they played Teenage Wasteland I had to resist cranking the volume. I realized tonight that I have had this blog since April of 2004. For fun I clicked into the archives just to see who I was back then. How my life has changed. Whoa. Nuff said. I also noticed how much I used to blog and how much I don't now. This stirred some regret. It's nice to have your life documented, if only just to help yourself glance back now and then. I must try and blog more often. Even just little blurbs about what the kids are up to. Something to give some hint of what my life is like at this particular moment in time.

In that spirit, today I mowed the lawn. Not very exciting, but there it is.

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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

My Life In Pictures

I can't seem to take the time to write about the things we are doing, so instead I thought I would share a few photos.

We're getting a puppy! He was only ten days old when this picture was taken. Look how tiny he is! We'll be bringing him home around the 10th or 11th of August.

We participated in the Canada Day Parade again this year. Our little way of thanking everyone for their support. Unfortunately, we lost the sign on my side halfway through. :(

After 3 years of missing her, I finally got to return my island! PEI, that is. I wish I could convey into words how that place makes me feel. Not just the cottages or Avonlea, but the island itself. As soon as we were off the bridge, my eyes started to fill with tears...I could not believe I got to come back. I didn't want to leave. The kids, being older this time, enjoyed it immensely. Especially Abby, who could not remember ever being there. I took 106 pictures...wish I could post them all.

The Anne of Green Gables Country Fair was happening at Avonlea the weekend we were there. This guy would walk around playing his mandolin and singing...

At Avonlea, you can dress up in the old time clothes and get your picture taken for free. You just have to use your own camera. We all did it....but Samuel stole the show! I tried to get him to smile but he was in character. He said he was tired of waiting for the train that would not come. Too cute!

Jason took this pic of me and the kids in the Avonlea gardens. Beautiful! I took a good 20 pictures of the plants and flowers alone!

This past weekend we got to return to Alma, which is just outside the Fundy National Park.

The kids loved walking on the beach in their aqua shoes. Jules collected sea shells in her bucket. (*Notice Abby's "Marilyn" pose* LOL)

This is where we would sit and watch the tide go in and out. It is just yards away from out Motel room door. Very relaxing to listen to the waves and feel the breeze off the water.

One of the many beautiful views....this one was taken when the tide was out.

While we were there, we celebrated Jason's 34th birthday. Happy Birthday Honey!

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