Friday, August 08, 2008

The times...they are a-changing

I can't get a song out of my head. "Gather 'round people wherever you roam..." Yep there it is again...Bob Dylan's voice. I wonder if it means something?

My JDRF contact in Moncton, has asked me to organize a Community Walk in the Miramichi. I said yes! Who knew that little old wall flower me, with no voice, would ever agree to something like this? Not I! Since agreeing, I have had moments where I am half proud of myself...excited even. Other times a wave of panic washes over me. I think 'what the hell am I doing' and want to tell her I change my mind. Hopefully the bad moments will become fewer, as we start meeting and things start coming together. Hopefully.

This evening the whole family is going into town to buy the last supplies we need before Max's arrival tomorrow. I see it like I am pregnant and tomorrow is the due date. Only this time no C-section is needed - thank God! And of course, the baby looks less like Jason and more like Chewbacca. We are also going to pick up a few things for back to school, mostly clothing. I told Abby that bit of news and she preceded to dance around the room. It's a sin she hates to shop so much.

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