Thursday, July 08, 2004

Don't you hate when you have a cold in the summer? It just seems unnatural, doesn't it? I mean in the winter, it's like a give in. You expect it. But in the summer... It's supposed to be that in the winter you have your colds, flus, ear infections, etc.. and in the summer you have your sun burns, heat exhaustion, west nile, etc... I know I am ranting. It's just that I have this cough/sore throat that will not GO AWAY! I swear to God I am losing my mind. In the middle of the night, while suffering from sleep deprivation(because I can't stop coughing long enough to get some sleep!!)I wonder what the world record is for coughing. I've heard stories about people being hospitalized for the hiccups...that they literally never stop hiccuping. I ask myself, is the same true for coughing? Who is the record holder? How many more days do I have to go to steal the title? Have there been any cases documented where coughing has lead to insanity? I bet there has. Or maybe that can be my title. Maybe I can be in the Guiness Book of World Records as the first person to go insane from having a cold. Now I know I am ranting. Must sleep. Must go take another one of my friends the fishermen. Sweet Dreams.


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