Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Yesterday was the girls' A1C blood test. Every three months they have this done. It shows the doctors their average blood sugars for that period. We put an Emla patch on the inside of one of their elbows as to freeze the site. This way it doesn't hurt so much. Jules' will even go so far as to say that it makes it not hurt at all...... just feel funny. Abby is usually not too bad either. She will still cry but it's more of a soft cry just cause she's nervous or a little scared. Yesterday was different.

Yesterday Abby sat on my lap in the lab, like she always does, and holding her friend. Sunny the bear has come more than once, but this time it was a Barbie fairy princess that she gripped tightly in her hands. Jules' was already done and picking out stickers and digging through finger puppets. I removed her Emla patch and the nurse started looking for a vein. Abby started to whimper, right on cue.......just like always. Suddenly as the nurse was about to insert the needle, Abby started crying, not softly this time but loudly, "Nooo! I don't want you to! Please don't! Noooo!". It was horrible. I found it very hard not to cry myself. Afterward, in the parking lot, we were buckling them up into the van. Jules and Abby were in the back together. Abby turns to Jules and says "That was kinda scary".

It's moments like these that suck me dry. Wipe me out. Takes me a little while to recover.

I am not looking forward to October.

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