Thursday, May 31, 2007

Happy Birthday Abby!

Today is Abby's fifth birthday, so of course pancakes were in order this morning. I don't quite remember when or how this tradition began, but on every one's birthday we always have pancakes for breakfast. I baked her a cake last night after she went to bed and put up a few decorations. That way when she woke up this morning, she would feel it was her special day. Right now she is wearing a red sparkly dress and black dress shoes. We're not going anyway today, she just felt the need to dress for the occasion.

Our kids have recently been introduced to Mario, as in Luigi's brother. One of the items we snagged at our recent yard sale was an old Nintendo 64 game system complete with four controllers and a handful of games. One of which is Mario Party 3. Jason and I used to play games like these for hours on end. Entire weekends even. You could say we're both a little geeky. Anyway, as a special treat since there is no party today, the whole family is going to play Mario Party 3 together. The kids love playing it. It is not the regular Mario adventure game but more like a board game where you roll the dice and compete in little mini-games together. Good times!

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