Thursday, May 03, 2007

3 Years!

I just realized that I've been blogging for three years now. Man how time goes by fast. It's crazy how so much of ones life is out there in cyberspace for the world to see. To think I used to consider myself shy! lol.

I took the kids to the doctor yesterday. Our doctor is such a sweetheart. He knew our medical benefits had run out so he gave us medicine samples from his closet. I didn't need A single prescription! We are so blessed to have him as our family doctor. He truly seems to care about his patients. The kids stayed home from school again today, which makes them have an extra, extra long weekend. They should be fine by Monday.....I hope.

In a
walk update, I received a package from our support group in Moncton. Apparently there is going to be activities for the kids, a BBQ and live entertainment. June 3rd is fast approaching! The hall is officially booked for our yard sale. The date is set - May 19th. I've pretty much gone through everything of mine - clothes, toys, videos, CD's, etc.... Perfect opportunity to get rid of those Shania Twain CD's left over from when Jason was going through his country phase. Thank God that's over! lol. Now I just wait for the arrival of other people's things. I'm not going to bother pricing right now. I think I will wait til I am setting it up at the hall. Thinking that might be easier. Then I can separate into $1, etc..

I received an email yesterday, from a man wishing to interview me regarding the sale. I guess the word is really spreading. I sent a reply but so far no phone call. I still have to contact the paper and the radio station and make posters. I'm trying not to feel panicked and overwhelmed, but am failing miserably.

The church hall is having their rummage sale tomorrow. Always enjoyable. Last year I did amazing and scored tons of Christmas lights and boughs that really came in handy decorating the porch. Now I'm on the hunt for Summer decorations. And Lord knows I am not above buying used clothing for myself. Definitely need to find time to check it out.

And now I'm off to play more catch-up. Laundry, laundry, never goes away.

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