Saturday, April 14, 2007

Happy Anniversary To Us!

Today Jason and I have been together for 17 years! That's right...17! And yes, I am only 32 years old. Jason too. I was in grade 9. Him in grade 10. And no!...this is not a shame! Tonight we are actually going to go the movies alone. Sans children. Imagine! That is, assuming the weather cooperates.

I wanted to do a meme for this occasion. This is the only one I could find. It's more for a wedding anniversary, but here it is anyway.

1. Where/How did you meet? We were in high school together, so everyone pretty much knew who everyone else was. But the first time I actually met him, I think, was the summer of grade 8. 1989. Wow! Sherry, Michelle D. and I walked to Blackville. We were all at the rocks together during the Ron Pauley tournament. At that time, Jason did not seem interested in me at all. :(
2. How long have you known each other? probably 17 1/2 years.
3. How long after you met did you start dating? 6-10 months after we actually spoke. lol It was Saturday, April 14th, 1990.
4. How long did you date before you got engaged? Geez. Like 7 1/2 years!
5. How long was your engagement? We were never formally engaged, per say. No big proposal or ring.(I never wanted one) We always knew we would get married. Just a matter of time. And one Christmas, Jason just said, we should get married next December. Let's do it. So I guess you could say we were engaged for 1 year.
6. How long have you been married? 8 1/2 years
7. What is your anniversary? December 12th, 1998
8. How many people came to your wedding reception? Hmmm. Don't really recall. I know that we had quite a lot of people invited. Both of our families are big. But there were a lot of empty seats too. I'm gonna say 80?
9. What kind of cake did you serve? It was marble cake with that rolled out white icing. I remember that our cake topper, which was just plain matte white(no color), looked like it was made out of the icing. It matched perfectly.
10. Where was your wedding? We got married in St. Andrews Anglican Church in Newcastle. That cute little one across from the Opera House. Our reception was at the Kins Center or the old town hall around the square.
11. What did you serve for your meal? Turkey. What else? lol.
12. How many people were in your bridal party? Just two. A maid of honor and a best man. I always liked the idea of this. It seemed more old fashioned that way.
13. Are you still friends with them all? Yep. Christina was my maid of honor. She is my first cousin. We talk several times a week. Vance was Jason's best man. Also his first cousin. Don't see him quite as often as the old days, but just spoke with him yesterday.
14. Did your spouse cry during the ceremony? Not at all. We were all smiles. And giggles. lol
15. Most special moment of your wedding day? Hmmm. That's a hard one. They're all special to me. Maybe the ceremony itself? Rings, vows, etc...
16. Any funny moments? Nothing stands out as a crazy memory. Maybe me constantly reminding Gary, our chauffeur for the night, to toot the horn, while we were driving around with the tin cans kicking behind us. Or running into the Nite Owl to show the girls my dress. Or in the limo, Vance revealed to us that he had his middle name written on his palm to remember how it was spelled for the wedding register.
17. Any big disasters? Nothing much. I didn't get to decorate the church myself because we missed the allotted time that the church was open. So Gary put up our pew markers. I had quickly made little reserved signs just using bristle board and black marker. They were supposed to just sit on the seat to reserve them for our parents. It seems like Gary actually taped them on the outside of the pew with the nice pew marker. lol. Plus Jason's car did break down that morning. Surprise, surprise. He had to work on it all day but he still got to the church on time. So not really what I would call a disaster.
18. Where did you go on your honeymoon? Moncton. Woo-hoo!
19. How long were you gone? I think it was just two nights. Honeymoon suite, Crystal Palace. Heart-shaped tub and all.
20. If you were to do your wedding over, what would you change? I don't know that I would change anything. If possible I might have gotten my hair done by someone else. Not that I didn't like it. It's just my hairdresser at the time was going to Fredericton that day so I had to get my hair done quite early in the morning. I was so tired from decorating that I would have slept in but couldn't. Felt very tired at the reception.
21. What side of the bed do you sleep on? If you were lying on the bed, I'm on the left side with Jason to my right.
22. What size is your bed? Finally we have a queen!!
23. Greatest strength as a couple? I think that we do well in the communication area. We seem to talk things out and not let them fester too much. We also respect each other which I think is necessary in a healthy relationship. And we know how to fight. lol. Not that we do it alot or anything. But everyone fights and when we do, there is that line that we just won't cross.
24. Greatest challenge as a couple? Last Summer? lol. I'd say parenting in general. Trying to balance the parent stuff without losing the couple stuff.
25. Who literally pays the bills? I'd have to say mostly Jason. Not that I don't do it too but because he worked in town, where the bills are paid, he would just pay them on his way home. lol. Plus he's a human calculator while I'm the type that has to write everything down.
26. What is your song? Depeche Mode's - Somebody. Sounds crazy, I know. For like 14 years, we didn't even know who sung that song. It was on a blank tape in one of Jason's old cars, when we were teenagers. His brother had bought a car from someone and that tape was in it when he bought it. We used to listen to it all the time. And it wasn't until I had a computer that I googled the lyrics and discovered it was Depeche Mode.
27. What did you dance your first dance to? As Time Goes By. This is from the my favorite movie Casablanca, which Jason and I have watched a zillion times. We probably would have danced to Somebody, but at the time we didn't know who sung it. lol.
28. Describe your wedding dress: Very titanic. Empire waisted. It originally had these long lacy sleeves, but they were not me at all, so I got them cut off and replaced with little cap sleeves. Thank you Sandy!
29. What kind of flowers did you have at your wedding? These tiny white ones surround by lots of greenery. For the life of me, I can't remember the name which is really bugging me right now. It's on the tip or my tongue. May come to me later.
30. Are your wedding bands engraved? Nope. Although we used to talk about secretly putting something really originally on them. Where the other person doesn't know what they say until after the ceremony. But it never happened.

This is what my hubby made this morning. Yummy! Isn't he just the sweetest? lol.
You gotta love those days when is life is good. And today is one of those days!


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