Friday, September 03, 2004

September has arrived. Although it's not official until the twenty-second, to me Summer is over. I have to say that I'm ok with it. We did a lot this year. We had our first outdoor summer party, rented a cottage for three nights in PEI, spent the night while visiting my cousin in Fredericton, went camping to two different campgrounds, and took the kids to the Ex. Not to mention all the little family picnics, barbecues, etc... It was definitely a full, fabulous summer for the Keenan family!

I enjoy the Fall weather and all that it brings. The multi-colored leaves, pumpkins, and that crisp cool air. I'll never forget the first time I drove alone. I was about twenty- one years old. Even though I had gotten my license when I was sixteen, I had never driven in a car by myself. My parents had just got their Jimmy insured for me because I, along with my sister, was working at the mall and they didn't want to play chauffeur everyday. It was Thanksgiving and I was going up to my boyfriends house after dinner. The sun was shining, the wind was blowing - your typical beautiful Fall afternoon. I remember feeling so free, looking back in the rearview mirror to see all the pretty leaves kicking up behind me. Now, a stay at home Mom of three, it is very rare to drive alone. So sometimes......especially in the Fall......during one of those rare moments alone in the car, I'll look back to see the leaves flying in the air behind me, and feel again, a sense of freedom, solitude.


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