Thursday, June 09, 2005

Attack of the Spiders

Ever wonder how you would react if you found an intruder in your home? Would you scream? Or would the fear steal your voice? Well, now I know. I would scream bloody murder. This morning, while talking on the phone to Christina, I went in to make my bed. I took off all the blankets and then reached for the pillows. In between Jason's two pillows, was the biggest spider I have ever seen in my house! EVER!! I screamed and screamed and then screamed some more. Poor Christina did not know what was happening. For all she knew I was getting murdered. She kept asking me, "What? What is it?". Finally I stopped screaming enough to say "There is a Mother Fucking spider on the bed!" Now, anyone who knows me, knows that I do not normally talk like that, but I kept saying it over and over and over again. Because the kids had heard me screaming, they came running down the hall. So, of course the cursing stopped immediately. :) I didn't feel confident enough with just a fly swatter, so I ran to the trailer to get the raid. I even screamed a little out there, shuddering, as if to shake it off me. When it came right down to it, I couldn't bring myself to face him. Everytime he moved, I screamed again. So I did what I so do not normally do,......I called over home for help. Lee came to the rescue. I shut the bedroom door and have not been in there since. I'm waiting for Jason to come home.....just in case.

So, after hours of my nerves being so shot that I would scream at the sight of a mosquito, I finally started to feel like myself again. I could even laugh about it. But just a few minutes ago, there was another sighting. This time in the kitchen. Samuel spotted it and said, "Mom, there's another big spider!" Thankfully it was not quite as big as the other one, but still it was pretty darn huge! This one I actually did get with just a fly swatter, and much less screaming. But now I'm like totally unnerved and freaked out! I do not know how I will sleep tonight. Honestly, it is a sin that a phobia can totally control one's life. Plus, here I am trying to get the kids to not be so scared of hornets and bees, while I'm screaming like a banshee over a spider.


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