Friday, August 03, 2007

My Big Fat Family Reunion

It's that time of year again.....for the great big family reunion weekend. I cannot believe how fast the summer is passing. Well...I guess I can, since it always seems to fly by. Wonder why that is? Why does summer fly by and Winter drag on? Could it be that one lasts for two months and the other lasts for six? .....Yep, that's it. Anyway, last night we took our trailer over and set it up. Mom and Sherry did too. We're in a different place in the field this year, but I think it will be a nice change. The weather right now is calling for some rain, so I think it's good that we all have awnings, thinking they might come in handy.

It was very bizarre to be standing back in that field last night, feeding the horses. I kept staring over at Grammy's & Granddad's house, memories flooding my mind. Only now the memories are different. They are of last year, when all hell broke loose and we suddenly found ourselves living there. What a roller coaster ride last year was for my family. Sometimes it still takes me a few minutes to process it all. I am sure I will have my moments this weekend, when I will be thankful that I am wearing sunglasses. Only I won't be crying for the reasons you think, not out of sorrow or pity, etc.. Instead all tears will come from grace, from gratitude. Living there in that house helped me. It comforted me when I so needed comfort. There were times when I never wanted to move - ever. Not even into my brand new home, which was slowly making it's way to us. I would sit in Grammy's rocking chair and read by her lamp. I loved feeling the warmth of the fire that came from the stove in the kitchen. I grew accustomed to seeing the horses everyday, enjoyed the fact that they were getting to know me and I them. They were definitely part of the healing process. And perhaps one of the best things to come out of all this, is our relationship with my aunt & uncle. We've made friends in them. We visit them now and sit and have tea and talk for hours. I will always cherish those months when we were neighbors.

Now I must go and start doing the things that must be done before we leave tomorrow, laundry, dishes, cleaning, etc... Procrastination is a horrible thing that I do much too often.

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