Saturday, August 25, 2007

They Should Make Pills For This

So much I would like to say but don't really want to take the time. I've been up. I've been down. (isn't that lyrics to a song?) I was doing amazingly well all Summer, all things considered and then I guess I slipped. Down into that dark hole that always seems so hard to get out of. After some analyzing I have come to the conclusion that a huge part of it was due to lack of sleep. Something that I rarely take into consideration. Getting up in the night here is just part of our regular routine now (checking girls' sugars), I never think of how it might affect us. Jason and I would always alternate nights, but now that he is working, we alternate weeks. The week he works nights, he checks them as soon as he gets home, while I check them when he is on days. And I guess getting up in the night 6-7 days in a row can sometimes have it's affect on a person. Go figure.

Anyway I'm back now. I'm consciously trying to focus on the plus side of Abby starting school. Really what is the negative? All it means is that she growing up....which is what we want anyway, right? I can now even find myself looking forward to having some free time home alone. How lucky am I? This is sooo not a problem....just ask any working Mom! I will also be available to work at the school more. Last year I had to turn down many a day cause I had no one who could look after Abby. We are going to really need the money...can't even think of how we are going to do Christmas this year. Hmmm...just might have to pull a Tonya Harding and make some work for myself. Gotta find me a big stick.

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