Sunday, September 12, 2004

Dr. Harebottle, or "God" as Jason calls him, did the impossible and turned Christina's baby. So now we are just playing the waiting game until she goes into labor. She has had contractions everyday but so far they are not consistent. She has strict instructions to call me day or night before she goes to the hospital. I really want to be there because this is the last one. Not just for Christina, but for me too. I'm not going to have anymore, Sherry is almost 100% sure she's done, and Kellie doesn't want any. So I figure this is the last time I will have the experience of being there when the baby is born.............well at least until it is my grandchildren being born. And I'm thinking that shouldn't happen for at least another 15 years. But I guess it could be as soon as 10 years, you never know.....

Today is my father's birthday. I believe he is 59. Next year is the big 6-0!! We'll have to surprise him with a party next year. We gave him and Mom their presents on Friday because I knew the kids could not keep it a secret. Abby kept on saying "Grandad's Fish! Grandad's Fish!" We got Dad a beta fish. They are the ones that can live in a small space. They also cannot be in with any other fish or they will kill them. Whenever they are next to another fish their face flares up and they become agitated, ready to defend themselves. You can hold up a mirror next to the bowl, and he will flare up, thinking his reflection is another fish. It's kinda cool. Dad, of course, was not impressed. I had hoped he might be a little intrigued, but no. He loves birds, squirrels, the weather, etc... He has a million things in the yard - bird feeders, bird bathes, bird houses, humming bird feeders, rain gauges, weather vanes, thermometers, etc.... I couldn't think of anything else "outdoor" to buy him. Since the winter is on it's way, I thought I would buy him something "indoor" to keep him company. Apparently, he is not a "fish person". Mom thinks she might like to buy him doves. I thought that was perfect for Dad. His late brother always had doves. And we know that Dad looooves birds. I think that we should all get together and buy them for him for Christmas.

For Mom I bought her cleaning supplies. Not that her house is dirty, just the "cool" things that she will never buy herself. She is always saying that she is jealous of my Gain laundry detergent, so I gave her a little bottle of it, along with Swiffer cloths, orange Windex, orange Pine-Sol that keeps the dirt at the bottom of the pail, Lysol wipes and some paper towel. I one of those annoying people that can get excited about a new cleaning product. Needless to say I have had many a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser moment. Ironically, my house is rarely clean. With three young kids, never lasts long.


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