Thursday, July 21, 2005

When life gives you lemons....

Today must not be as hot or as humid as it has been all week, because there is actually air to breathe. In fact, if you're just sitting or not doing much, it's actually quite comfortable in here. Thank the Lord! I don't know how much longer we could stand this 40 degree weather.

The kids have shown interest in setting up a lemonade stand. Do people still do this? I remember having one as a kid. I just can't remember the last time I saw anyone do it. I wonder if it's no longer PC to do so. Or is it only appropiate if they give their proceeds(what little that would be) to charity.

I can get quite excited about the idea - setting up a table with their little chairs, making a sign, etc.. Is 25 cents too steep a price? I'm all for giving money to charity and raising it with your kids by your side. It teaches them that there are people out there less fortunate than them. But with a little lemonade stand......I would really rather them just keep what little money they would make. Is this bad? Barnettville is not exactly a busy highway. So really the only ones buying it would be relatives or neighbors. And maybe they would learn something about earning an honest dollar...or quarter.

Opinions please.


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