Sunday, May 21, 2006

Our Song

Awhile ago Kellie blogged about the past and made me think of this....

Jason and I got together at a very young age, fifteen to be exact. Although we first "went out" back in March, we say that we officially became a couple on April 14th, 1990. That's right, do the math....over 16 years ago! Pretty amazing, if I do say so myself.

After his parents won a little pot in the lottery, Jason was awarded the family k-car, a little burgundy box to call his own. Even though it wasn't exactly a hot-rod, it was still much better than the little shit-brown escort that had left us stranded on numerous occasions. Jason always kept it clean and "pimped" it out(if that was even possible) with personal touches, like a novelty neon signal light that set in the back window, which would flash big right or left arrows accordingly. Jason and I spent many, many hours in that car, like most teenagers who have no place to call their own.

Years earlier, Jason's older brother Chris had bought a car which contained some old cassette tapes. Jason kept these tapes and sure enough they eventually found their way into the old k-car. One of them was a mixed tape that someone else had made. On this tape was a love song that shortly became "our song". The problem was that we had no idea what this song was called or who was singing it. I wrote the words down and we played the song for all of our friends and family but no one knew what this song was. We used to call it "A Case Like This". We made a copy of the tape, so we would always have this song - our song.

It wasn't until a couple of years ago when we purchased our own computer that the thought hit me to google the lyrics. And there it was, we finally knew that our song was................................... Somebody by Depeche Mode. Who would have thought that - depeche mode? Too funny. All this time we had no idea. We would have had it played at our wedding, had we known what song to request. It's so ridiculous now to think that we never thought to google the song before. But we were just so used to not knowing. Now looking back, I think that's what made the song so special to us, not just the lyrics but the fact that no one else seemed to have ever heard it before. I believe it was quite the hit song for Depeche Mode back in the day, but I had never heard the song before or since. Once I knew the title of the song, I immediately downloaded it and now have it on my computer to listen to whenever we want, much better quality than that old cassette tape(which we still own).

For those of you who might be like we were, and have never heard of this song, here are the lyrics :
Somebody - Depeche Mode

I want somebody to share
Share the rest of my life
Share my innermost thoughts
Know my intimate details
Someone who'll stand by my side
And give me support
And in return
She'll get my support
She will listen to me
When I want to speak
About the world we live in
And life in general
Though my views may be wrong
They may even be perverted
She'll hear me out
And won't easily be converted
To my way of thinking
In fact she'll often disagree
But at the end of it all
She will understand me
I want somebody who cares
For me passionately
With every thought and
With every breath
Someone who'll help me see things
In a different light
All the things I detest
I will almost like
I don't want to be tied
To anyone's strings
I'm carefully trying to steer clear of those things
But when I'm asleep
I want somebody
Who will put their arms around me
And kiss me tenderly
Though things like this
Make me sick
In a case like this
I'll get away with it


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