Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Mr. Demille.......

I have been asked to act in a play with our local community theater group. The play will be performed on Saturday night, September 23rd. And I guess I must be masochistic or something, because I said yes! Not only that, there is a chance that Jason too, might be added to the cast. We must be out of our minds.

The end of September is when our pre-fab house is scheduled to arrive. The kids will be back in school, Abby in pre-school and myself back to working my one day a week in the cafeteria. Add to that, the fact that we will be living over in my Grandparents house, and the million things that we will have to do to get ourselves and the house ready for move-in time and you've got a recipe for burn-out.

my list, No.20 was to "Act in a local community play". I just didn't expect to be crossing this one off so soon. I was thinking more Springtime, or at the very least, Christmas. For me, it's a bit of a "facing your fears" situation. I've always been uncomfortable being in the spotlight. It's kind of unnerving for me to picture being up on the stage and having everyone in the audience listening to and looking at me. Thankfully, my part is only a small one. Sherry said it was the perfect opportunity for me to get my feet wet. Then I would know if I ever wanted to have a larger role, in the future. Sherry and I are actually supposed to write a play from scratch. I had suggested that they do a play set in the 40's, kind of Casablanca-like. It would be full of great music and costumes. And no sooner had I opened my big mouth, I was told that Sherry and I would be writing the thing. Don't expect that one anytime soon. LOL. Maybe by Spring?

As for now, you can catch me, Sherry, Philip, maybe Jason, and more this September in "Nothing But The Truth". Mr. Demille...I guess I'm ready for my close-up.


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