Monday, November 27, 2006

Surprise! An Update.

Tomorrow I am taking Abby to get her pictures done at Wal-Mart. It might be sad to say, but I don't have a professional one of her all by herself. I always give pics in Christmas cards. Last year we actually got a family photo done. This year I am using Jules and Samuel's school pics, so tomorrow is Abby's turn to strike a pose.

Jason and I are going to Moncton on Thursday. The Parent Support Group there is having their annual wine and cheese. Attending will be various professionals including a representative from the JDRF(Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation). It doesn't start until 7pm. I hate the idea of driving home late at night, but am really anxious to hear what everyone has to say. So what do you do? Mom has agreed to keep the kids. We'll have to get up with the kids the next day, plus I work, so chances are I'll be pretty tired come Friday night.

Sunday is the Underhill Christmas party. We're not going this year. Jason's work is having their family Christmas party at the same time. And while I know family gatherings should outrank company parties..... this one is at Empire Theatres. The kids get to see the movie Happy Feet, get a kids snack combo and a present from Santa. Our kids have been asking to go see this movie and frankly this is the only way we can afford to take them, considering it is all on the company dime. We will be dropping in just long enough to drop off our presents. I wish we could do both, but there's just not enough time.

Tuesday, December 5th, Jules will make her performance debut on the stage. She is in drama this year. She doesn't have a speaking part, just singing, as all the speaking parts went to the grade twos. She was quite disappointed about this, but there is always next year. They perform two nights, Tuesday and Wednesday. I have to bake two dozen sweets by Monday. I guess they serve them to the audience. Our whole family is going on Tuesday and then just me and Mom on Wednesday.

Saturday, December 9th, is the dinner theatre in Blackville. Mom is keeping the kids so that Jason and I can go. Then her, Kellie, and all of Sherry's clan is going to the dessert theatre on Sunday night. Should be good. Christina makes her debut there. She will be joined by her husband, Sherry and the rest of the regular cast members. I think she is a little nervous as she is not just acting but singing as well. I bet she does a fantastic job!

I'm almost done decorating the house for Christmas. Quite surreal to decorate an actual house, and not a trailer. We have eaves and window sills! Decorating the porch was definitely a moment to remember. I have dreamed of doing that for many years. And hanging a wreath on my front door. Priceless. Just a few more things to hang plus the tree. I actually want an artificial tree this year. Me! Like a lot! I never thought I would. I swore I never could. I love the hunt for the perfect tree. I always hug it and thank it for being our Christmas tree this year. I love the smell that fills the house. But Jason, Samuel, Benjamin(the cat) and I suspect Abby - are all allergic! Plus there's the whole mess thing and watering thing. And with an artificial one you can put it up so much sooner. It's more cost effective(in the long run), and better for the environment. Although I don't think they will chop down any less trees simply because I opted for artificial. There is a 9' tree at Kents that I really want, but it is $200, and there is just no way we can manage to spend that on a tree this year. So I think this year I will have my official last real Christmas tree. Kinda sad really. Who knows, maybe I'll change my mind.


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