Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Sell Crazy Somewhere Else....

.........We're all stocked up here.

Ain't that the truth.

Something is surely going on in the universe lately, because everyone I know (and I mean everyone) is going through some form of shit. (We're being shit on, I tell ya! Shit on!) It's really quite bizarre. I guess misery does love company.

Jobs lost. Benefits lost. Hope lost.
Health in jeopardy. Relationship in jeopardy. Sanity in jeopardy.
Vehicles broken. Hearts broken. Apartments broken into.
The list goes on......

The lines, "It could be worse." and "You can't look too far ahead." are said repeatedly. Sadly, I'm not even talking about MY problems. But aren't we sick of hearing about those? I know I am.


Today is a good day.
The sky is blue.
The tank is clean.
And we live on.


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