Thursday, August 30, 2007

Five Days Left

Still trying to maintain composure over Abby starting school. She is sooo excited, constantly asking me what day is it. We are pretty much ready for school to begin. Bags are backed, names written on everything, hair cut, even the clothes thing has been taken care of. I usually go insane doing the clothes switch-a-roo. This is where having a basement really comes in handy. Took me no time. I knew where everything was and just picked out some Fall things. No sense in digging out all the heavy sweaters and coats, etc.. when they won't be wearing them yet. When we lived in the trailer and I stored everything over at Mom's, I had to spend an entire day looking through clothes. I would come home with tons of bags of clothes that included everything for Fall and Winter. Never wanted to have to spend another day doing it so I would always bring over everything. Would drive myself crazy every season. Thank God that's over.

Tonight all three of my kids are having a sleepover at Mom's house. It is the girls first time sleeping away since their diagnosis. Even though they will literally just be across the street, I find myself feeling a bit nervous. Yes my Mom is fully trained and has babysat for me often, it's the nighttime thing that worries me. We still check their sugars in the night at around 3am, and although Mom has assured me that she will do the same, those little irrational worries creep in. Like will she get up? Will she sleep through her alarm? Will she even set an alarm? Should I just set an alarm and call her to be sure? Crazy, crazy, crazy. Guess just another "first" that I have to go through. I really want the girls to have an enjoyable sleepover. Especially Jules, since she has complained that Samuel has gotten to sleep over at a friends house and she hasn't. One of those times where you so don't want diabetes to make her life different than his, but can't help it.

Taking full advantage of the situation, Jason and I plan to go to the movies tonight. I have had free air miles tickets for almost six months. We have just never managed to go, usually due to babysitting issues. But tonight the babysitting is taken care of. Jason is working days this week so we can go and catch an early show and still be back in time for him to get enough sleep. Think we are going to see The Bourne Ultimatum. Tonight is it's last night playing. If it is anything like the previous two, it should be good.

Was thinking of taking the kids up to the school today to show Abby her classroom. The teachers are not working tomorrow so today is my last chance to do it before school actually starts. But I still have a lot of things I want to do before taking kids over to Mom's. Hmmmm..... Told the kids earlier in the week that I would do it, so I guess I will just have to fit it in.

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