Thursday, July 21, 2005

Getting to know you.....

10 Years Ago: Jason, Benjamin and I had just moved back home from Moncton. I had been working at UPS while he was finishing college( I had quit in the fall). Luckily, I did have unemployment, but was determined to run out and get another job. Which I the mall.

5 Years Ago: Jason, Jules, Samuel, Benjamin and I had just moved back into my parents house. The kids were only six months old. We were in the process of moving our trailer from Newcastle to Barnettville. What a fun filled month that was!

1 Year Ago: I was sitting here blogging like I am now. We had just decided to sell the trailer and buy a mini-home. I had recently thrown Jason a party for his 30th birthday. My Grandfather was slowly fading away.

Yesterday: I was sweltering in the heat. I was anxiously waiting for Mom to call me from Moncton to tell me what her doctor had said.

Today: I talked to Christina on the phone about her trip to PEI. I did 3-4 loads of laundry and washed the dishes. I started to make a list of things I need to buy before leaving on vacation. I talked to Kellie online about Sherry's housewarming party.

Tomorrow: I'm going to try to clean the bathroom, which is in desperate need. Probably talk to Sherry on the phone at least twice about her housewarming party. Start to celebrate that Jason is starting his vacation!

5 Snacks I enjoy: Ice-cream, nachos and cheese, sun chips, chocolate bars, and pretty much any kind of candy.

5 Bands or singers I know the lyrics to most of their songs: The Beatles, John Mellencamp, Bryan Adams, Bon Jovi and AC/DC.

Things I would do with $1, 000,000: Pay off all of my family's debt, build my dream house, buy Jason as many cars as he likes, put the kids through college and travel to where ever I want.

5 locations I would love to run away to: Prince Edward Island. I don't know what it is about that place, but as soon as I cross the bridge, I'm blanketed in peace. Moncton. I always have loved going there to stay a few nights ever since we lived there. Sometimes I really miss it. Alma. It's such a dear little place, like out of a book or movie. Unbelievably small. New York City. Anyone who knows me, would know that would be on my list.....The last one is the hardest. I have so many places that I would love to see but fear it's near impossible. Mostly because I have such a fear of flying. But assuming I'm sedated, I'd have to say Paris, France or anywhere in Italy. Let's just say I'd tour Europe.

5 Bad habits I have: Feeling guilty for no logical reason, being too hard on myself, leaving the supper dishes to do the next day, taking things to heart when I shouldn't and never asking for help unless I'm clinging to a ledge by my fingernails during an earthquake.

5 things I like doing: Watching my children play, spending quality time with my husband, watching a movie that I really like and have memorized already, lying in bed doing crosswords while everyone else is asleep, and going somewhere that I've never been before.

5 things I would never wear: Stirrup pants with flats. Actually, strike that. Just stirrup pants in general. Tube top. Bikini. Anything neon. Jumpsuit.

5 tv shows that I like: Desperate Housewives, The Amazing Race, The O.C., Sex and the City, Will and Grace.

5 movies that I like: I like ALOT, but here is five of them.....When Harry Met Sally, Something's Gotta Give, Manhattan Murder Mystery, The Philadelphia Story, Casablanca.

5 famous people I would like to meet: Diane Keaton, Oprah Winfrey, Rosie O'Donnell, Goldie Hawn, the Dalhi Llama.

5 biggest joys of my life at this moment: Samuel, Jules, Abby, Jason, and going camping in our tent trailer.

5 favorite toys: Well, I guess it depends on what you mean by toys...I'd have to say the computer, digital camera and cell phone. But really the tent trailer has been like a toy for me this Summer. And I always love a new puzzle book.


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