Saturday, July 08, 2006

Summertime....and the living is easy

I have some pictures on my camera that I want to flickr, but my batteries are dead...again! I guess that's what you get for buying the cheap ones.

Today, I'm taking Jules and Samuel to a birthday party over in the rapids. It's a little boy who was in their kindergarten class. They are going to have a waterslide, so the kids have to wear their bathing suit and take a towel. Samuel is anxious to see what kind of cake he has.....
You know Samuel and cake. Jason just finished fixing the van last night, so here's hoping I make it there and back. LOL.

Jason starts his days off tomorrow. I wish we could go camping. It seems like we are never going to go. The weather is always bad, or we have no money, or the van is broke, etc... This summer is like the exact opposite of last summer. Last year, we never stopped. We went to the island again, and camped in Moncton twice and then so many other times in Daigle and Bartibog. But this year, the kids were in school until the end of June, and we are all tangled up in getting a house and moving the trailer. Not that I'm complaining. It just would be nice to do something summery, you know? Even just a day trip somewhere.

I find myself looking so forward to the Coughlan Family Weekend over at Preston and Karen's. And that's not until August! I don't see how this year could ever be as good as last year......because last year was really THAT good! I know, it surprised me too. A whole weekend with family? Even all those members that you don't really like? How could that be so fun? But it was. It was really was. There were no scenes or fights, that I know of. Everyone seemed to get along or tolerate each other for the sake of the group. Not to mention the perfect weather and all that food! It's definitely the year to beat. Sylvia & family and Corrie & family sadly will not be there this year. But Freda & Vance and Kellie will be. And Hollie & family will be spending the night this year too. Who knows? Maybe this year will be even better or at the very least, just as good.


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