Monday, June 21, 2004

To celebrate Father's Day we had planned on taking the kids to Moncton to have a picnic in Centennial Park. Then the weather didn't co-operate so we took them into town to the mall instead. We bought our very first aquarium along with two fish. Jason was ten times more excited than the kids. Neither he nor I have ever had fish before. We both had always wanted them as children, but never got them. I have to say I am getting very attached to them, much to my surprise. I always thought I wouldn't because I knew how short a life span they had. But "Nemo" and "Dorrie" are very sweet. (how original?) Tonight, on his way home from work, Jason bought two more. One is very tiny. It's Abby's and is named what else.....but "Dora". The other one is supposed to be mine so I named it "Bogie". Jason had wanted to buy an algae eater, but was told he had to wait at least two weeks, as we have no algae for it to eat yet.

Switching to other animal news, there is a black cat that has started hanging out here all the time. I don't know if it is a stray or if he belongs to someone close by. I wouldn't mind, only he is killing things and leaving their dead carcass in my yard! One of the perks of having a house cat, which we do, is that you don't have to worry about the kids always finding dead mice in the yard. But now, thanks to this black visitor, my kids did exactly that. The other day, they came walking up the steps carrying a dead mole in a little shovel. Last night was the worst. It was late and I was getting ready to go to bed. I started closing the curtains and there in my back yard was that black cat tearing apart the body of what looked like a rabbit. It was quite disgusting to watch. He was literally eating it! Jason had to scare it away and then bury the remains, so it wouldn't attract any other animals. He thinks it was a rabbit but said that it was very hard to tell since there was almost nothing left....Yuck!

I actually took some time tonight to work on my store. It's been so hard lately to find the time to do anything on line...including blogging. Between the kids, the house, and doing things outside like gardening, etc... it is amazing that I find time to go online at all.

21 Days to PEI and counting!!!


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