Saturday, October 02, 2004


Christina's shower went well as a shower can go. I hate showers. Well, at least I always did. No, I still do. The thing is now when I go to a shower, it is for someone my own age. Not some "old" lady relative I don't really know. Now, sadly, occasions like showers are the only time I see some of my cousins/friends. So instead of going and being bored out of my mind while secretly making fun of everyone else who is ooooing and aaahhhing over breadmakers and booties.............Now I go and talk to women my own age. We actually have fun. We laugh, stuff our faces with sweets, and yes I have been caught oooing and aaahing over a swiffer wet jet or tiny pink sleeper. And I don't make fun of anyone anymore! Honest! (well, maybe just a little) :)

I have finally started to do some things around the house that I have been procrastinating. I vacuumed the registers, changed the filters in the furnace and even handwashed my delicates. I don't know why I buy sweaters that you can't put in the washer and dryer. I always swear I won't do it, but then I see the perfect brown wool sweater and I forget about how hard it is to wash. That laying flat to dry thing is a bitch. They say "reshape" but what do they mean? I lay it flat on a towel to dry. I don't leave it all wrinkled or crumpled. But then, for some reason, the waist band will be like two times it's normal size. Not an attractive look.

Today I am going over to my Mom's to sort through clothes. I'm not looking forward to it. I have to dig through bags and containers of the kids clothes searching for anything Fall and Winter. With Samuel, the problem is actually that he has too much clothes and I have no where to put them. As God is my witness I am not bringing everything home this year. I always bring anything that will fit him back home with me. Then I realize that there is no room, and no possibility that he could ever where all of them. This time I am going to pick and choose my favorites, and leave the bigger ones that will still fit him next year.

Kellie has invited me to go with her to Larry Lynch's book launch. It is on Wednesday, Oct.13th at 7pm. I've never been to a book launch before so I think I am going to go. Although I have yet to read anything written by the author. Oh well, should be interesting. I still have to call Donnie at Rogers's Video and tell him that Mondays just aren't going to work for me. Another thing I've been procrastinating. We almost never go to town on Mondays. Thursdays usually. I'm thinking that the first DVD I review should be Fahrenheit 9/11. I shouldn't have a loss for words with that one.


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