Thursday, December 02, 2004

Winter Wonderland

Yesterday I got so excited to see the snow; these huge flakes the size of loonies falling gracefully to the ground. After Jason got home from work and ate his supper, he demanded that we all go outside. It was time to build our snow family. It's become somewhat of a tradition for us. At least once every winter, if not several times, we take the kids out and build five snowmen - one for each of us. Two large ones, two medium ones, and one smaller one. Last night Jason even built a Benjamin, our pet cat. I'd post a picture of them, only our batteries went dead in the camera. I think Jason did manage to get it to work long enough to take one picture, so maybe I'll post it later.

Jason got called in to work today. We were supposed to go to town and get groceries, but will have to wait until tomorrow. I still haven't decorated for Christmas and it's December 2nd! I'm starting to panic a little. So today the plan is to take care of the usual chores first - dishes, laundry, etc.. and then begin trimming the inside of the house. But if I'm running late, I might just screw the usual and decorate anyway. December 2nd and not decorated. This is not acceptable!!


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