Saturday, October 23, 2004

I've just learned that the Nick Nolte blog I've been reading is a sham. Too bad. It was actually quite good. I liked picturing Neil Simon coming to dinner. I can't imagine that Cameron Crowe's is false as well. It's written so well and sounds just like him.

I heard from my friend Candace today, who lives in Halifax. Apparently some guy knocked on her window last month at 5:30am, and said "Please let me in and do not call the cops." Of course she did the exact opposite. Her apartment is on the second floor but you can walk up the fire escape and knock on the window. So unfortunately her description of him, light colored skin and wearing a grey long sleeve shirt, was not that useful to the police. She thinks he was just some drunk guy locked out of his apartment with no where to sleep. The police agreed with her. She says she remained calm, which is more than I could have managed to do if in the same situation. I tend to be a bit more on the paranoid side. My door is always locked and chained. I never go to bed without checking the locks on all windows and doors. Where I live is hardly a "bad neighborhood", but I just think there is always that "first time" that shocks everybody. Neighbors appear on the news and can't believe this happened where they live. And I just don't want that "first time" to be here with me in my house.

We bought our first "Santa presents" today. Abby is still obsessed with Dora the Explorer so she wants the new Dora playhouse and Jules wants an Easy Bake Oven. Both of which went on sale today at Zellers. It was a ZOO!! I couldn't believe how crazy it was considering it's still October!! I got the last oven and barely made it out alive with the Dora House. But I know the girls will love them.

Jason's paternal Grandmother took a small stroke Thursday and is the hospital. So far there seems to be no long term side effects. And my Grandfather is not doing well at all. Mom and a couple of her sisters went today to pick out his casket. This way, whenever he does pass, they won't have to worry about all the details. He gets confused now and it's hard to understand what he is saying sometimes. And he can no longer feed himself. Mom is taking it quite hard. Not so much that he is dying, but that he has to suffer. He was always such a proud man and Mom says she knows it is killing him to be spoon fed, etc... I pray that he goes soon and in his sleep, so that he and the rest of the family doesn't have to suffer anymore. I'm torn on whether or not I should go and visit. Sherry says she doesn't want to go because she doesn't want to see him like that. I agreed. But now that I think about never seeing him again, I'm scared that I might regret not taking the chance to see him when I could.


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