Saturday, July 29, 2006

The Day That Changed Our Lives For Ever

Saturday, July 22, 2006.

The day started like any other day. I was focused on the move, making a mental list in my head of what I was going to pack that day. Samuel came and told me that Jules was crying in the bathroom. She told me that she felt like she was going to pee herself, but yet couldn't pee. Apparently she had been in the bathroom for quite a while. She was scared to leave because she thought she would pee herself as soon as she left, so she just continued to stay on the flush. I knew then that we would be making a trip to the ER. She obviously had a bladder infection. She had been urinating much more frequently, a few times she even peed the bed. Abby had been coughing a lot, so I thought I might as well bring her too. I called Mom and she agreed to babysit Samuel. I explained to Jules what a bladder infection was, how I thought she had one, and was going to take her to see a doctor. Moments later, she was in the bathroom again. This time she started to scream. It really hurt she said. I told her how sometimes when you have a bladder infection, it can burn or hurt when you pee. To hurry up and get ready to go. I sighed when I looked at all the boxes left to pack, but thought maybe we'd be lucky and the ER wouldn't be too busy. I drop Samuel off at Mom's and off we went. The ER was extremely busy. RCMP officers everywhere. Must have been an accident or something. We had to wait for 20 minutes or more just to see the triage nurse. Finally it is our turn. I tell the nurse my unprofessional diagnosis of a bladder infection. Sounds like she says. I then ask if a bladder infection could also make you drink more often. She shoots me a look and says no, that can be a sign of diabetes. I've heard that, I say. And I had.... from at least two relatives. Jules gives a urine sample. This time it doesn't hurt so much. They call our name and we get to see the doctor. Dr. Cole is on duty today. He is the one with a bit of an Irish accent. Always like him. He tells me that Jules does indeed have a bladder infection and writes out a prescription for Amoxi-cillin. He ends up writing out one for Abby too. She's a little filled up. I ask him the same question about the excessive thirst. He says that it is not a sign of diabetes in children, only in adults. Kids with diabetes come in really sick, lethargic and vomiting. Just look at her she is fine. Tells me he will prick her finger and check her sugar if I want him to. I say please do so I can go home and tell said relatives to shut up about diabetes. That she is fine. Nurse comes and pricks her finger. Jules cries a lot. But oddly no one tells me the results. They leave. I hear whispering. I look at the large digital clock and watch the dots flash in and out. Minutes ticking by. Nothing. The kids are hungry and want to go home. Nurse comes back and asks me if Jules had anything to eat while we were in the waiting room. Maybe she got juice on her hands? No I said. She barely ate her toast this morning. Another look and she leaves. More whispering. Oh no I think. God They come back and say that they might have to do another prick. This upsets Jules and she starts to cry again. She hates needles of any kind. Always a phobia. We start and sing "My Favorite Things" song from the Sound of Music. "Raindrops on roses....." They think we are singing for them, but I'm singing for me too. It actually works. I laugh to myself. How paranoid am I. I'll go home and tell everyone how I was so scared for a few minutes and then of course everything turned out fine. How crazy am I? Dr. Cole comes back. He looks puzzled. Says he never seen anything like this before. Her sugar is high. They dipped her urine too and it's high there as well. He sits on the bed. Says he's sorry but if he was to fathom a guess, he would say it looks like Jules has "a touch" of diabetes and it won't go away. "What then?", I ask. You shoots me an upward glance and says the words, "You don't want to know". Our pediatrician is on vacation for a couple of weeks. Replacement will be here on Tuesday. Usually we admit kids like this he said, but she doesn't look sick at all. Maybe I'll let you go home and you can just wait and see her on Tuesday. Oh I said. I was thinking how hard that wait would be. Just to be safe, he calls Moncton to talk to the pediatrician on duty there. I tell Abby and Jules to stay there, I will be right back. I phone Jason and tell him that they think Jules has diabetes. No, she doesn't he says. You know she's doesn't have it. I call Mom and tell her to start praying because they think Jules has diabetes. You're lying she says. They're crazy. I see the doctor is ready to talk to me again. He says "I have no good news for you". I hear the words "good news" and smile. I think it's all over....all been a big mistake. He looks at me and says she has to be admitted. pause. then says "in Moncton". Oh I say.

(to be continued..)


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