Saturday, September 16, 2006

Get Ready For A Wicked Long Post

So many things to talk about. So many pictures to show. Ok. On your mark.....get set.....go!

The basement is now done, except for the floor.

They are supposed to have that done by Tuesday. They really want the floor done before they order the house to come. Right now it looks like it will come the end of this week or the first of next.

When Stacy was getting her house built, she told me that she had painted inspirational words on the wood. Even though they were going to be covered in gyprock and never seen again, it was like she was blessing her house. I had thought this was a great idea and was rather disappointed when we decided to go pre-fab, that I couldn't do that. I wouldn't have access to the house until it was all finished. I also loved the idea of having a cornerstone in the cement, like those big historical buildings. But that wasn't very realistic. So instead, I improvised.

The first day, the contractors laid what they call the footing course. It's like the outline of where the walls are going to go. After supper and after the workers had all gone home, we were down in the hole looking at the progress thus far. I noticed a little piece of wood sticking out of the cement in the front corner. So I pulled it out and then used it to write the word "Love" in the corner. Not exactly a cornerstone, but better than nothing. Jason thought the workers would think I was crazy, but I was happy. Even though it would be covered in cement the very next day, I knew that I would always know where it was, and that it was there. It's kinda hard to see it in this pic, but there it is.

The next day they came and put up the walls. Again that evening, after it had set for awhile, I went armed with a stick and wrote some more words. I wrote the words "Grace" and "Hope" and I got Jason to write "Jenn + Jason", like when we were in high school.

These words are still there. Our house will come and sit right on top of them. It's not as great as blessing the actual house, but at least I got to bless the foundation that our house will sit on.

It's really amazing to go over there and see it. Jason is starting to panic that we can't pay for it. He's always been a worrier when it comes to money. I, however, am just completely filled with gratitude. I know it sounds silly, but I feel like our house has feelings. It's like I always feel with our christmas tree every year. I feel honored that it has "chose" us to be it's family. To know that we will live out the rest of our days inside that house. And to have a basement has always been very important to me. Not just for the obvious reasons of storage and space, etc.. but to me, it's like we have literally put down roots in the earth. Like now, we're not going anywhere. Sure I know that people sell their houses and move everyday, but unless something horrible happened,... to me, that is not an option. I will do whatever it takes to never lose this home of ours.

On Friday, Abby started pre-school at Clora's. She absolutely loved it. She's actually pretty pissed that she only gets to go one day a week, and not everyday like Jules and Samuel. Even though it was rather warm outside, she insisted on wearing her new Dora outfit. I must say, seeing her in her new clothes, wearing her backpack and carrying her lunch can - she looked so grown up. I almost cried.

Next year she will start kindergarten. Unbelievable! I didn't know what to do with myself here alone all day. The house was so quiet. I tried my darndest not to be crazy with worry. Clora herself is a diabetic, so she is quite familiar with the insulin pen and glucose meter. Everything went fine except Abby was very cranky when she got home. I think she was overtired. Not used to the whole school thing.

I was browsing through one of my diabetes websites and found this. I think it is a cool idea. I might try to see if we could make two squares (one for each girl) and send them in. I also just joined a chat room that is for parents of kids with diabetes. When I discovered that Samuel was having night terrors, I joined a discussion group and it helped. So I'm hoping that this one might help us too. There are local support groups in our area that we could attend, but for now at least, I'd rather just be deal with it online and not in person. Who knows? Maybe some day we will attend a meeting. It's like when we found out we were having twins. Before, you never really knew many people, but then they're coming out of the woodwork. All the time we are hearing of someone else who has a kid diagnosed. So far I have only heard of one other family here that has two.

Well, that's enough for now. The natives are getting restless. It is "game day", you know.


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