Friday, September 01, 2006

Wake Me Up When September Ends

Summer has come and passed
The innocent can never last
Wake me up when September ends - Greenday

Well it's finally here...... September.

Summer sure did change a lot of things around here. Mostly for the worse; slightly for the better.

I met with the school yesterday in regards to Jules having diabetes. It seemed to go well. God bless Twila! She volunteered to give Jules her insulin everyday. For a minute there I thought I was going to have to travel to the school everyday. As it stands right now, we only have to go up for the first few days, just until the teachers and aides get used to it all. It's quite nerve racking, thinking of her being at school without us. At least Mom will be there. They can always go to her and ask her any questions they might have. Plus I will be there on Fridays.

I am taking the first two fridays off. The first one because Clora's doesn't start until the next week and I don't have anyone to watch Abby. And the second one because it is Abby's first day of preschool and I want to take her there myself and probably go up at dinner just in case Clora has any questions too.

I have the kids school supplies all ready. Everything is labeled and packed in their backpacks. Their clothes are all hanging up in the closet here just waiting to be worn. This year we had to buy Abby a few clothes too. She is so fussy, it's unreal. I used to think Jules was bad! It's hard to believe that just next year she will be starting kindergarten. Then we will have to buy school supplies and back to school clothes for three kids!

I remember how scared and freaked out I was this time last year. I was so worried about Jules and Samuel starting school. Now I wish I could go back. There was nothing to freak out over at all. They did fine. I did fine. Everything was fine. But this year? This year I'm freaking out again for a very different reason. And what's worse is that the reason will never go away. Every year it will be there. Forever. Every year I will have to meet with the school and their new teachers. In many ways, life will be better when I am working at the school full time. At least then I know if the unthinkable happens I am already there.

I used to love Fall. The way it looked, smelled and felt. Now I can't see a time when I will ever love it again. Now all I do is long for Spring. I guess I have a big wait ahead of me.


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