Thursday, September 07, 2006

It Worked!

Remember how I said I was going to give optimism another go?

Well, it worked!

I got hardly no sleep the night before school started. No surprise there. That morning was crazy here, and I do mean crazy. It's a miracle we weren't late for school. Where we are living right now, the school bus comes at 7:20am. And I'm sorry, that's just too early for us, especially now with the whole insulin factor coming into play. So until we move back over home, I have to drive the kids to school everyday. This just adds to the craziness, because now I have to get myself and Abby ready to leave the house too. Thank God Jason was off that day! I'd hate to think what it would have been like here then!

So the whole family arrived for the first day of grade one, which was good because then we could help carry all their supplies for the year. We had to hang out to teach Twila and the aide how to use the glucose monitor. That went very well. Then we had to come back at dinner to teach Twila how to count the carbs and give the insulin. It is so great that she is willing to learn all of this. I'm not sure any other teacher would.

All in all, the first day of school went over well. Our only problem was that Jules didn't get to go outside and play at noon hour. After Jules finishes eating, she has to walk down to her classroom, meet up with Twila, walk down with her to the office where her insulin is kept, wait for her carbs to be counted, get her insulin, walk back up to her classroom and put away her lunch can. By the time she did all of this, and put on her outside shoes, it was time for the children to come inside. Jules was not happy at all. Twila told me she was nearly in tears. And later that night Jules still seemed upset whenever she talked about it. I was upset too. I was trying so hard to make it so that Jules was just like every other kid.

Later that night Mom called and felt bad about Jules. She offered to ask her boss if she could give Jules her pen everyday up in the cafeteria. I was blown away! This would solve all of our problems. The next morning Mom called and told me she got the ok from Bernadette. Great news! So Jason, Abby and I went up to the school at dinner time again yesterday to tell Twila and Jules the good news and to give Mom the insulin pen, needles and sharps container. Now everyday when Jules is finished eating, she will just walk into the kitchen and tell her grandmother that she is all done. Then Mom will count up her carbs, give her the insulin and away she'll go downstairs and outside, just like everyone else. Awesome! The weight that has been lifted is unreal! Now I can breathe.

I mean I was actually happy yesterday.

After dinner we drove down to our place to decide where we want the basement. I felt excited about the house for the first time since all of this began. It was nice to feel pure, normal, "BD" joy again. We had to fax a lot of things to Tallon today in order for him to get the necessary permits. He had hoped to have the basement all done by the end of this week, but he was having some delays in getting the permits, so now he doesn't think it will happen until the first of next. Our house is all done and ready to come! I'm still holding out hope that the phone will ring and it will be Tallon telling me they are coming to do the basement today. That way it could set all weekend and they could bring the house next week. I'm getting quite anxious to move home. I really want to be in by October 1st. The longer it takes for the basement, the less and less it looks like that will be possible. But hey, at least it's finally happening!

The girls have their first appointment with Dr. Dickison today at 3:30pm. Jason went back to work today but might see if he can leave early and meet us there. He really wants to see the doctor to ask him some questions. We want to know when we can stop checking them at midnight and three AM. It's hard to get any sleep that way. Last night I set my alarm wrong and only got to check them once at four AM, but they were ok. Jason doesn't see any reason why we couldn't do that every night. They haven't been going low in the night for awhile now. I think I will always be nervous about that, and can't ever see a time when I could go all night without checking them at all, even when the doctor says it's ok.

In other news, it looks like I may be going back to work full time next year. One of the ladies in the cafeteria has been having some health problems, and thus thinks it will be best if she retires after this year. It works out well because Abby starts kindergarten next year, and now with a big mortgage on the way, we could really use the money. It's also kinda crappy in a way, because I will never have that time home alone with all of my kids at school. But it's really hard to complain about that when I got to stay home with them the whole time before they started school, and so many parents out there never get to have that special time. I'm also very thankful that I will get to work at the school. I was grateful before because of the schedule, summers off, etc... But now with both Jules and Abby being diabetic, I'm even more thankful to be going to work at the school cafeteria. It's really the best place for me to be.

So this morning I must say I'm feeling pretty good. A lot like my old self again. I feel like things might finally be on the up-swing for us. I mean I'm not completely without worry ..... but that's never been me anyway. :)


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